Science and Technology of New York City

Macaulay Seminar 3 – MCHC 2001

Science and Technology of New York City

University of Oregon Campus Sustainability Assessment

October 12th, 2012 · 1 Comment · Brooklyn College

Stratton, Chris. 2010 University of Oregon Campus Sustainability Assessment. MS thesis. University of Oregon, 2010. Print.

The author is Chris Stratton who wrote this assessment as a project for his Master’s Degree in Environmental Science at the University of Oregon. The assessment evaluates the sustainability of University of Oregon’s campus using the three factors: energy, water, and transportation. The assessment explains the way that the University of Oregon campus uses energy, water, and transportation, and explains the ways that the campus should use these three factors in a more sustainable method in the future. The plans on attaining this goal, along with data in the form of graphs and charts are expressed vividly. The author’s intended audience are people who are also interested in campus sustainability and would find out other methods beyond his method that would improve campus sustainability.

This article has a pro-sustainability bias. The strengths of this article is that it clearly ans concisely explains the methods in which the University of Oregon campus should be more sustainable. It mentions examples of environmental, economic, and social, the three pillars of sustainability. The weakness of the article is that the article should have explained more in fewer pages: it has an overwhelming length of 119 pages. This material is relevant in terms of my project because the sustainability assessment at the University of Oregon could serve as a possible model for that of a sustainability assessment for Brooklyn College.

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