The Impact of Violence

First off, why in the world did women set the food on fire and destroy it all instead of keep it?

Food Riots Brownsville: We know that rioting has happened many times in this city, but I wonder what is the significance of such violence (e.g. beating up innocent women that bought the chicken or “shooting the messenger” who I believe in this case is the pushcart owners)? Is violence in fact more effective in getting the attention of and sending a message to our political leaders? Or do examples like Martin Luther King Jr. and the power of his speeches prove that peaceful resistance can be just as successful?

Pushcart Peddling: Can you guys imagine New York without pushcarts and street merchants? I really love the idea that pushcarts were a key aspect of bringing ethnicity to the Lower East Side because I think its true. If we just look at QC we have quite a few carts around campus that bring different foods to our little community, so what if we did not have them? Do you guys think pushcarts encourage an openness to exotic and different cultural foods that we may not otherwise have?


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