Category Archives: Resources

“Fed Up” Documentary

Hi everyone,

There’s a new documentary called “Fed Up” about our country’s obesity epidemic that was released on May 9th. I thought I would share some information about the film because the topic of obesity in the U.S., especially in children, is something we have discussed in our class before. The documentary talks about how businesses selling sugar and fat are making billions of dollars but is putting the health of Americans at risk. Dr. David Ludwig, a professor in pediatrics at Harvard Medical School, says “We are placing private profit over public health.” We have also discussed the government’s role in trying to curtail the progression of this epidemic. The film addresses this issue and explores to what extent the government is being active in combating it. As author Michael Pollan argues in the film, “The government is subsidizing the obesity epidemic.” I think it’s important to think about these issues as every year the percentage of children and adults with obesity increases, and the film can also make us rethink what foods we eat and how they may be harming our bodies.

Here’s a link to the website for the documentary that you can explore:

Here’s a good article in the NY Times about the film:
