Questions on Reading for 4/23

One of the readings this week focused on how the Dominican population is struggling financially more than other Latino populations in the United States, and that one of the reasons why this is happening is because the Dominican population does not have the same level of English Languages skills as other Latino groups.  With that said, despite English not being the national language of the United States, how much does one’s English proficiency influence their ability to make money, and are there situations in which people within their community have been successful without knowing much English?

Another focus on the reading this week was food map.  A food map is a compilation of the food history of an area, marking restaurants and markets and trends in cuisine.  Is there a minority that is not represented in a food map – especially if new populations move into an area that was predominantly full of different foods, or does the food culture evolve with the demographics of a neighborhood fast enough to be an accurate representation of the neighborhoods culture?


Edit* – Sorry professor, I just realized that I put this in the wrong place last week.

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