Week 6: March 12: Mixing: Eating Exotic Others

On page 135 of “Gastropolis” (Chow Fun City, chapter 8), it is stated that in the late 1800s, the Chinese were prejudiced against by European immigrants in the U.S who took the Chinese cuisine as repulsive. However, the actions of the Chinese immigrants that seemed to repulse Americans were the actions of the Americans just 50 years earlier. Also, any odors noted of the Chinese cuisine could be equivocated to odors of other nationalities. The Chinese immigrating at that time were prejudiced against even though they did the same as immigrants before them; is this because the Chinese were “new” and the “old” immigrants needed a group to dislike? Also, are Chinese immigrants still a group to dislike although they are no longer the “new” immigrants? If not, which group (or groups) is the current group (or groups) to dislike by “old” immigrants?

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