Question on the Reading: Food, Identity, Immigration and Health

It was not surprising to read that immigrants are living longer lives than their American-born counterparts due to American behaviors- drinking, smoking, eating high calorie diets, eating fast food and processed food and our lazy lifestyles. How can we change this? What are some feasible ways that America can improve it’s lifestyle to decrease the obesity rate and encourage healthy living? Is it even possible for America to turn this around?

A couple of the food concepts explained in the “Corss-cultural Medicine” article, I’ve heard my Chinese parents and grandparents mention. In Chinese culture, the “hot” and “cold” food balance is also very important. I’ve been told by my grandma not to eat too many “hot” foods because it’s extremely unhealthy, and she will not eat the very “hot” or “cold” foods to upset her balance. Honestly, I don’t understand this concept at all and I do not pay much heed to my grandmother’s warnings. Should these pieces of wisdom from the East be learned in addition to our Western medical practices since they are as a whole are more healthy than we are? (My grandma just turned 92 and she’s going strong!! Maybe her lifestyle is pretty good after all?!)

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