Is it a Brain Drain?

We have seen this in earlier readings, how West Indians emphasize on their ethnicity and when they immigrate to U.S, they don’t only have to deal with hardships of being  immigrants, but also they have to face racism from the society for their skin color. I know that you can use data to your advantage but I couldn’t piece together some of it. For instance, the author mentions that Jamaicans believe in strict police actions and even the poor respect law and order, yet despite these beliefs they have a high crime rate. Why is that?

Furthermore the author mentions, how many well educated (college graduate) were able to come to New York because of job opportunities. And at the same time very few people who didn’t have much education were able to come to U.S. Can we call this brain drain? Over a long period of time, this will eventually lead to the decline of the Jamaican nation. What foreign policy should be implemented so as to not adversely affect Jamaica?

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