Questions on the Reading 4/30

First and foremost, I can’t help but wonder why it is that Koreans are the entrepreneurs in managerial positions hiring Latino immigrants for the low-level jobs and not vice versa. Why aren’t Latinos starting their own businesses? I know that Puerto Ricans used to be the number one owners of grocery stores, or “bodegas”, but that has shifted and I wonder what the cause of that was.

Chapter 3 from One Out of Three discusses the concerns surrounding the effect of immigration on some US-born workers and the article by Dae Young Kim states that “employer discrimination interacts with social networks that are outside of native minorities to reduce their employment opportunities” thus creating competition between native born minorities and immigrants. Is this because immigrants accept lower wages and other bad working conditions that native born minorities may not? How does this specifically impact the community? In what ways can native born minorities work to get the upper hand in a situation like this?

Also, a question about time, is this a phenomenon that is still happening? Has their been another shift in immigrant employment since 1999? I think that would be interesting for us to observe.

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