Author Archives: Samantha L Chiu

Review: The Hunt for General Tso

“If our benchmark for Americanness is apple pie, you should ask yourself, how often do you eat apple pie, versus how often do you eat Chinese food?” asks Jennifer 8. Lee as she stumps her audience in her TED talk, “The hunt for General Tso”. Jennifer 8. Lee, a reporter from the New York Times and author of The Fortune Cookie Chronicles, gives a riveting speech on the origins of what Americans think of Chinese food, bringing her research on Chinese food to the table while incorporating history in a manner that captivates her audience.

Lee reaches out to a wide audience, ranging from scholars and academics whom are familiar with the subject to both scholars and non-scholars whom are not familiar with the topic. She approaches her wide audience by discussing well-known Chinese food items such as fortune cookies, General Tso’s chicken, and chop suey and uses them as a medium to discuss the evolving perception of Chinese immigration since the 1850s into America and the acculturation of Chinese food into American culture.

Lee makes it clear that the purpose of her talk was “to make people think twice” when they eat Chinese food, but ultimately ends up proving more than that. She takes into account the experiences of Chinese and Americans’, both past and present, and their takes on present-day Chinese food to show the relationship between Chinese assimilation/immigration to America and the changes in Chinese food. She covers the details behind each of the food items she talks about, using historical evidence, such as fortune cookies and their Japanese origins, anecdotes, chop suey as a defense mechanism for anti-Chinese immigration during the late 19th and 20th century, and interviews, such as displaying the reaction of the creator of General Tso’s chicken on his product today (in short, he was very disappointed). From there, Lee analyzes how each influenced the other to form our perception of Chinese food today by connecting the lack of authenticity in Chinese food to the acculturation of Chinese people in the United States, changing their traditional food ways into something Americans would find more acceptable, like fortune cookies, General Tso’s chicken, and chop suey.

Lee makes her argument very strong and very clear while providing interesting and compelling evidence. As mentioned earlier, the content of her lecture is easy to understand and easy to follow, with each of her points discussed completely and structured logically. She also does a great job of discussing Chinese immigration and food acculturation both vertically and horizontally; she analyzes both the historical aspects and implications of Chinese food in America and also ties in the present day Chinese food in other countries (virtually every country) as evidence for the Chinese food revolution that not only changes the way people view Chinese food, people, and culture, but also changes the eating habits and culture of different groups of people.

Although her argument and lecture overall is very powerful and succinct, I feel that she overlooked another aspect that could’ve made her argument even more interesting.  She spent the lecture proving and showing her audience that the Chinese food they think is Chinese is really not Chinese at all; she interviewed people in China and showing them what Americans (or rather, everywhere else in the world) think is Chinese food and showing their shocked expressions, debunked the origins of American Chinese food and brought up the different versions of Chinese food in different countries (fried ice cream in Italy, very Chinese!). What if she were to show her audience pictures of authentic Chinese food? If she did, her argument would be even stronger; the audience would experience the shock factor that she displayed with her interviews and learn about authentic Chinese food in the process, ultimately providing a “solution” to the lack of knowledge China’s original food products.

“The Hunt for General Tso” took Chinese food past the initial level of human consumption. It serves as strong evidence for the dichotomy between authenticity and assimilated cultures, with substantial evidence on the differences between the two. It gives the average American an eye-opening opportunity to realize not only the influence of other cultures on their own, but also their own culture on other people. Lee gave Chinese food an identity and showed how the identity of Chinese food changed based on the timeline of Chinese immigration in the United States. Initially, Chinese food was despised in popular American culture, something that was very much influenced by the anti-Chinese attitudes of Americans during the 1850s, to the point where advertisements, academic works, and other media were used to convince the US government to create policies banning Chinese migration. Over time, the Chinese (and Asians in general) became viewed as the model minority and looked upon as favorable to the United States population, and thus influenced the identity of Chinese food. Because the Chinese were now favorable, Americans took Chinese food and made it favorable to their tastes, creating a new Chinese food for the non-Chinese, a strong example of acculturation and assimilation.

Overall, I would rate “The Hunt for General Tso” a 4.5 out of 5 stars; she discussed a topic that others may deem not educational or worth learning about and brought in substantial evidence and research, including things that would be considered taboo, in a stimulating and eye-opening fashion, a seminar worth watching.  Potential viewers should be familiar with both Chinese food and immigration history and should keep an open mind and a healthy appetite on Chinese food and its functionality past the dinner table.

Click here for the link to The Hunt for General Tso” TED talk 

Samantha Chiu

Question on the Reading: Obesity

While reading the three articles, I was reminded of the conversation and discussion we had in class a few weeks ago on the affect of media and business markets on the population and whether or not we, as a population, have a choice on what to eat or watch. These readings were just a confirmation of how there is the ongoing struggle for those who struggle to live and end up bringing detriment to their lives by falling for the tricks, strategies, and business tactics of large corporations who end up making money off of others by directly and indirectly hurting them in the process. However, who is really to blame: the business markets (and their advertising of unhealthy foods and the need for businesses to out compete their competitors and thus hurting the population more) or the population (for falling for these tactics and for not trying hard enough to keep their healthy lifestyle)? Or is it the idea that is communicated to potential migrants in other countries who believe that these lifestyles are a representation of success (once they reach “success” in America), internalize the lifestyle, and end up with the repercussions that come after?

Samantha Chiu

Question on the Reading: Chow Fun City

Just by the title of the chapter, I knew the reading would be very familiar to me, considering I knew of the food customs of Chinese culture. It was interesting to see that it was not that familiar at all; aside from the few dishes, the evolution of many dishes and the types of dishes served at Chinese restaurants are completely different from the ones seen today. Unlike the Chinese restaurants in the past, most restaurants do not explicitly appeal to American audiences by adding steaks to the menu, but rather have Americanized dishes that Americans are used to. What struck me the most was when “family style” dinner was an individual dish for each person, rather than the traditional sharing of entrees between a family. With this in mind, where exactly does the Americanizing begin? Does it stem within the restaurants with the Americanized foods or with families in general feeling the need to assimilate?

Samantha Chiu

Question on the Reading: African Religion and Economic gains

Abdullah discusses how religion and economic forces were intertwined in the successes of West African immigrants and how the more active a participant in religion an immigrant was, the more economically successful they were. I wonder about other immigrant groups who didn’t have this religious bond and yet were still able to become successful. Is it the fact that they had a religious group to look to or rather the support group the West African immigrants had within their religion that helped them become successful? Is it even necessary to have a support group to be successful, after the initial immigration (after they learn the language and become accustomed to the culture)?

Samantha Chiu

Question on the Reading: 1800s – 2000

The readings depict the journey of some of the main immigrant groups in America during the time. What I found interesting was how the wealthier middle class immigrants, unlike the peasant immigrants, needed to give up their own culture in order to be viewed as middle class by their fellow middle class Americans (or those who have already assimilated). What would those who connect strongly to their ethnic culture but had to maintain their middle class lifestyles had to say/felt about their situation?

Samantha Chiu