September, 2012Archive

Sep 21

My AUSome Adventure! Macaulay Global Experience 9/2012 on Prezi Today I presented this pre”z”entation at the Macaulay Global Experience Conference all about how I planned and executed my study abroad to Melbourne Australia. Lilach 4

Sep 10

Sometimes you just need to knit something. Sometimes that thing happens to come out looking kinda like a jelly fish, even though you were kinda going for octopus. Sometimes it’s awesome anyway. Enjoy, Lilach 5

Sep 01

The adorable little girl on the left is my six year old niece on her first day of first grade. She has been counting down the days of summer and is so excited to be joining the world of school-ies. And you guessed it: There on the right is me, on the first day of […]

My AUSome Trip