My Favorite… Muscle
This is what happens when you minor in linguistics while majoring in an anatomy-heavy subject like Speech Pathology and Audiology! You go crazy!!! Hope you learn something new…It’ll only take a minute. 9
This is what happens when you minor in linguistics while majoring in an anatomy-heavy subject like Speech Pathology and Audiology! You go crazy!!! Hope you learn something new…It’ll only take a minute. 9
In a previous post, I spoke about my incredible fascination with phonetics. I made a few tutorials using a method that some youtubers such as Josh Sundquist and Vi Hart use. Enjoy this little presentation about the basics of phonetics, of course condensing many hours of studying into mere minutes. A big thank-you goes out […]
I made a friend! If you’d have asked me what was the least likely of all places for me to make a friend, I’d give youtube as my answer. But I did! After being a slow and hardly-steady stream of videos I’d post on my channel on youtube, AnHourInAMinuteLG, I finally decided to be proactive […]