Week 9: Planning and the Right to the City

Participatory challenge: Using the internet try to understand how the term “Right to the City” (coined by Henri Lefebvre) has been interpreted and used in the US context.

Click to show required readings
Anderson, Nadia M. 2011 “Social Infrastructure as a Means to Achieve the Right to the City” Design Activism and Social Change, Proceedings of the 2011 Design History Society International Conference, Barcelona, Spain, September 7-10, 2011. http://www.historiadeldisseny.org/congres/#papers

Frug, Gerald. “Ch. 3: Strategies for Empowering Cities,” in City-Making: Building Communities Without Building Walls. Princeton University Press, 1999. e-reserves.

Click to show optional readings
Frug, Ch. 6 “Community Building”, Ch. 7 “City Land Use” (113-164) “Ch. 4 The Situated Subject”, “Ch. 5 The Post Modern Subject  54-112, in City-Making: Building Communities Without Building Walls. Princeton University Press, 1999. e-reserves.

Purcell, Mark. “Excavating Lefebvre: The right to the city and its urban politics of the inhabitant.” GeoJournal 58, no. 2 (2002): 99-108. [Zotero]

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