Week 6: Energy in the City, Concepts of Time and Place

Reference Challenge:  “Energy in Context.” What is a lot of energy, what is a little, and how do watts, joules, and calories relate to each other?  Present a useful reference graphic to help us understand energy metrics.

Click to show required readings
Zimmerman, Rae, and Craig Faris. “Infrastructure impacts and adaptation challenges.” Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1196.1 (2010): 63-86.

New York City Energy Policy: An Electricity Resource Roadmap Prepared by the New York City Energy Policy Task Force January 2004 www.nyc.gov/html/om/pdf/energy_task_force.pdf

Marritz, Ilya. “Four Storms in Quick Succession Expose the Flaws in New York City’s Electrical System”, WNYC News, Friday, January 11, 2013 http://www.wnyc.org/articles/wnyc-news/2013/jan/11/four-storms-quick-succession-expose-flaws-new-york-citys-electrical-system/


Click to show optional readings
Abt, Clark C. “The Future of Energy from the Perspective of the Social Sciences.” What the Future Holds: Insights from Social Science. Ed. Richard N. Cooper and Richard Layard. MIT Press, 2003. e-reserves


Lynch, Kevin. “Ch. 1: Cities Performing,” in What Time is this Place?. MIT Press, 1976. 2-28. e-reserves.

Lynch, Kevin. “Ch. 4: The Future Preserved,” in What Time is this Place?. MIT Press, 1976. 90-116. e-reserves.

Lynch, Kevin. “Ch. 9: Environmental Change and Social Change,” in What Time is this Place?. MIT Press, 1976. 215-222.  e-reserves.

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