CUNY Macaulay Honors College Seminar Four – Baruch Spring 2009
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Question (2)

How does viewing your neighborhood in the context of the Panorama model change or affect your understanding of your relationship to the larger City of New York?

1 comment

1 Galina Aynbund { 03.14.09 at 8:16 pm }

The Panorama model of New York City is a spectacle that you must see in order to believe. When I first saw the art work, I felt like I was looking out at a toy town. I was astonished at the accuracy and enormity of the model, both of which made it possible to pin point buildings and well known streets or even our own homes or work places. I can not imagine the prodigious amount of skill, effort, and patience that went into the making of this model. Even one hundred people seems like a small amount of people to complete a model of such accuracy and scope.

I don’t know about everyone else, but I feel that the Panorama serves as an illustration of how little of New York City most residents (myself, at least) actually avail themselves of. New York is more than just Manhattan and our own borough; you need to experience all five boroughs to get an accurate depiction of the place most of us call home. Even the subway ride to the Queens Museum made me realize that I may not know New York as well as I had previously thought. There is so much to see here that, especially with the economy nowadays, it may be smart to rethink plans for my next vacation and opt for a stay-cation here in New York instead.