CUNY Macaulay Honors College Seminar Four – Baruch Spring 2009
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Posts from — March 2009

Podcast Scripts Due April 5th

By April 5th you should have posted here:
EITHER the script from your neighborhood observation exercise (Nara’s assignment from class on April 2nd), OR
A new script that you choose to generate that is not based on Nara’s assignment, but instead is your own creative reflection on your neighborhood and your place in it.  Remember: whichever script you choose to develop, you should have enough prose for a 60-second podcast (approx. 1-2 paragraphs, but you should time this so that it fits into 60 seconds comfortably).  Also remember that this is part of your “biographical history of your neighborhood.” It should be YOUR voice, YOUR vision, YOUR interpretation of what it means to be you, and to have been you, in your neighborhood at some time in your life.

Finally, remember to assign your script post to the “Scripts for April 7th Podcasts” Category of the Blog when you upload.

March 26, 2009   Comments Off on Podcast Scripts Due April 5th

Dmitriy’s Sheepshead Bay Podcast

Dmitriy’s Sheepshead Bay Podcast

It was very fun creating this podcast..I hope it works!

March 26, 2009   1 Comment

Diana’s Panorama Podcast

March 25, 2009   1 Comment

Ripping Audio From a Youtube Video

Here’s an easier way to rip the audio track from a Youtube video:

  1. Copy the link of the Youtube video. For example, I’ll take this one. Paste that link into the text box on this site.
  2. Change the dropdown menu from ‘AVI for Windows (DivX + MP3)’ to ‘MP3 (audio only)’
  3. Press Start. It should now say ‘Connecting to Server,’ then ‘Resolving Video URL’ and then proceed to convert. Get a coffee while it converts for about 40-45 secs. or more depending on the length of the clip. It should download to your desktop (or other selected folder) in .mp3 format
  4. Go into whatever program you’re using to make the mashup, and drag the mp3 file in as you would any other track, or alternatively select it from the Media Browser.

If you want to download the video as well, I don’t recommend using that site. Go here to get something called Greasemonkey and then here and click the Install button (and then confirm) for something called YousableTube that will put a link to directly download the video right next to any video.

March 22, 2009   1 Comment

Working in Media Library

Podcasts are looking great!!!

One clarification on an uploading step: Once you’ve uploaded your podcast to the “Media Libray”, it will become a part of all the media that has been uploaded and available to be added to all posts. To choose available media from the media library, be sure to click on “media library” tab once you’ve clicked on the add media icon in the post toolbar.

Notice that there are also tabs there for you to upload media from your computer or  a URL.

It may sound confusing at first, but I can see you are getting the hang of it already!


March 19, 2009   Comments Off on Working in Media Library