CUNY Macaulay Honors College Seminar Four – Baruch Spring 2009
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Assignment thread: Observation, weekend of April 4-5

Howard Beach, NY-
Two people walked into the school across the street. It was a mother and child. Indian background.

Man with a dog walks by the house, about the same time as he does everyday. The dog has no back legs and walks on his two front legs with a wheeled contraption attached mid-body. Man walks with a cane and appears to be about 60 years old.

Two cars passed by- one red, one grey. The red one barely slowed down at the “Bump Ahead” sign and almost sped right past the bump. The grey one did slow down.

Very little activity. Nice day. Warm outside. Birds chirping. Soft breeze.

Neighbors on the left come out to throw out bags of garbage. Garbage is in big Hefty black bags. 3 boys. One about 15, the other about 12, and the youngest is about 7. Spanish background. They do not speak to me. Just look over at my front porch.

Neighbor on the right peeks out from between the blinds. Neighbor has a tendency to look outside whenever he hears commotion. Sees me looking around and quickly closes the gap in the blinds.

Another car drives by. Parks 3 houses down. Backed into the downward sloping driveway. White car. Guy about 20 years old gets out. Guy has spiked hair and tan skin. Cannot tell what origin.

Female neighbor from down the block rushing down the block. Black purse. Caucasian background. Hair was awry. She puts on her sunglasses as she is passing my house and shoves the house keys into her purse, which she proceeds to swing over her right shoulder. She continues to walk down the block very quickly.

Very little activity. Can hear the bell to change classes from the school across the street. Can hear students shuffling to the next class. Bell to mark lateness rings. Quiet again.

Black car goes down the block. Makes an illegal turn left at the end of the block.

Female neighbor that was in a rush is walking back to her house now. Has a brown paper bag in her arms. The brown paper bag can only be a marker of a purchase from the liquor store from down the block. Appeared to be holding a bottle of wine. Could see the cork at the top of the brown paper bag. As she got to her doorstep, she stopped to search for her keys in her purse for a few minutes. Went back into house.

Neighbor on the right looks out again to see what is the commotion down the block. I wave and he closes the blinds again.

I go back inside.