CUNY Macaulay Honors College Seminar Four – Baruch Spring 2009
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Reaction to Podcast Exercise on 3/12/09

Hello Everyone,

Please post your reaction here to the podcast-making exercise today. Please submit your comments or suggestions for how we might do this again next time, in a “new and improved” podcast exercise? Questions to consider include: The hardest thing about the podcast exercise was _______… Or, the most confusing step in the podcast-making process was ______, etc., etc…


John Maciuika


1 Veronica { 03.12.09 at 5:24 pm }

I think that the podcast-making exercise went just fine. The most difficult part is really the vocals, though I had a hard time finding pictures with a resolution that worked for the podcast. Though I haven’t yet finished mine, I think that some of the ones we saw in class came out really well, particularly Naraelle’s and Angelo’s. It was nice to learn something new that we can do with our Macs that can be really useful as a tool for interacting with the world around us and with people on the Web.

2 Galina Aynbund { 03.14.09 at 8:28 pm }

Surprisingly, making a podcast turned out to be easier than I expected. I am really glad that we got the chance to take part in the podcast-making exercise because I feel that learning about different modes of modern technology is extremely relevant when focusing on the Future of NYC. For next time, I would be eager to learn more advanced podcast-making techniques, like how to add special effects. Overall, I really enjoyed this exercise and I know that I will definitely be using the skills I gained now and in the future.

3 Cathy Huang { 03.17.09 at 1:33 am }

Making the podcast is not as difficult as the idea had seemed. It was just deciding what to put on to the podcast so that the pictures fit well together and make a good story. It was difficult to make the podcast in class when so many other students are experimenting and trying to make it at the same time – trying to record our own voice over everyone else’s voice was amusing. I’m glad we had this exercise in class because I learned to use Garage Band, which before this, I did not even touch!

4 ajbucolo { 03.17.09 at 12:43 pm }

The podcast exercise was great! You can definitely see the relevance in using one to enhance a project or assignment, and it is just plain fun making it.

Starting off, choosing music for you podcast is hysterical. You are never sure just how it will sound in the end – comical, whimsical, or just ridiculous, but the journey to a finished product is most definitely an interesting one! Taking it further, I like the creative aspects of choosing photos to accompany the presentation. And, making sure the music, photos, and speech all work together takes time and thought, but there is much to be learned along the way to the final result.

Making one was easy and comprehensive, and I can definitely see myself using GarageBand to make more podcasts to be used for later projects.