CUNY Macaulay Honors College Seminar Four – Baruch Spring 2009
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8th Avenue

May 17, 2009   Comments Off on 8th Avenue

Delis around my house

May 17, 2009   Comments Off on Delis around my house

My Commute Part 1

May 17, 2009   Comments Off on My Commute Part 1

Biographical History of Sheepshead Bay

Sheepshead Bay is just about the only neighborhood I have ever been in that can be considered beautiful and amazing at any time of the day, in any weather, and on any occasion. Anywhere I turn, the view, the people, the places, and the concept of this location are breathtaking. Who would have thought to build and construct a neighborhood based entirely off of and centered around a canal that leaks into the ocean? It must have been the most brilliant set of people known to man, as they definitely must have given birth to the most brilliant piece of art ever created; Sheepshead Bay.sheepshead-bay-bio-history

May 17, 2009   Comments Off on Biographical History of Sheepshead Bay

My Journey to Neck Road Train Station

My journey to Neck Road train station is always a pleasant one. It must be the trees and flowers that decorate the path. Or perhaps it is the calm nature of the people who are still half asleep, yet walking right next to me towards the train. I must admit that half of the time I am also half asleep myself. Nevertheless, this path is absolutely beautiful! I would split Sheepshead Bay into two different parts, one is the more exciting and active part, while the other is the more serene and natural part. This walk towards Neck Road station is representative of the latter. my-journey-to-neck-road-station

May 17, 2009   Comments Off on My Journey to Neck Road Train Station