CUNY Macaulay Honors College Seminar Four – Baruch Spring 2009

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Podcast Response

Like Lynn said in class, it is definitely an odd experience to hear your own recorded voice…

Panorama Model Podcast

My Podcast, maybe a tad too short and still very rudimentary.

March 19, 2009   Comments Off on Podcast Response

‘Skyscrapers:’ Video Mashup – Julian

Found here.

March 18, 2009   1 Comment

Posting Podcasts to Blog

To get your podcast from iTunes to the blog, follow these steps:

1. Click on “Site Admin” on front-end of blog.

2. Once in dashboard, click “Media”, “Add New”, “iTunes”

3. Locate and select your file from your iTunes library

4. Click “save all changes”

Now your podcast is availabe in the blog’s Media Library so you can post it.

To post your podcast from Media Library, follow these steps:

1. Click “Posts”, “Add New”

2. Add a title for the post/podcast

3. Click “add media” icon (the second icon in the shape of a star)

4. A new window will pop up called “Media Library”

5. Click “Show”, “Insert Into Post”, “Publish”

Now you should be able to see your podcast posted on the site!

Enjoy!!! //

March 17, 2009   1 Comment

Saving and Sharing Podcasts

While you are working on your podcasts and finally when you are finished, be sure to save your work:

Click “save” in the toolbar and ignore iLife option.

Then click “share” in toolbar and share to iTunes:

Compress Using: AAC Encoder

Audio Settings: Spoken Podcast

Once you save your settings, your podcast will be sent to your iTunes library, and you can access it there.

March 17, 2009   Comments Off on Saving and Sharing Podcasts

Shaping Times Square Sample Podcast

March 17, 2009   Comments Off on Shaping Times Square Sample Podcast