CUNY Macaulay Honors College Seminar Four – Baruch Spring 2009

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Question Regarding Robert Moses Readings for Th. 3/19

As you are reading the 2007 reading about Robert Moses, ask yourself:  What is at stake for these authors? How would you evaluate both the arguments and the historical sources that are used by Jackson, Ballon, and their accompanying authors, measured, say, against the account we have been reading by the journalist Robert Caro?

Issues to think about:  How do they write? What are their footnotes and sources like (as compared to the sources Caro uses)? What sort of rehetoric or “discourse” do they seem to employ, and how does this affect you you interpret the reading???…

March 17, 2009   12 Comments

Shaping Times Square Podcast

March 12, 2009   Comments Off on Shaping Times Square Podcast

Reaction to Podcast Exercise on 3/12/09

Hello Everyone,

Please post your reaction here to the podcast-making exercise today. Please submit your comments or suggestions for how we might do this again next time, in a “new and improved” podcast exercise? Questions to consider include: The hardest thing about the podcast exercise was _______… Or, the most confusing step in the podcast-making process was ______, etc., etc…


John Maciuika

March 12, 2009   4 Comments

Student Posts!!

Please add new posts as you register so we know you are on the site. This site is for you – and the sooner you start posting, the sooner it will look like it’s yours!!


March 10, 2009   Comments Off on Student Posts!!

Panorama Assignment

Take some notes and, if possible, some pictures of the City and your neighborhood for use in future assignments for class.

We will be uploading these pictures as jpeg images to a common class account; we will also be using our reflections on this site visit today as the basis for a short, in-class podcast exercise on Thursday, March 12th with Tech Fellow Lynn Horridge. Please be sure to bring your Macintosh laptop to class on that day!!!

March 5, 2009   Comments Off on Panorama Assignment