Chapter 11: National agriculture and food safety policy during the global era

33.    The New Deal and the development of national agricultural policy
a.    What were the New Deal agricultural policies?
b.    What were their aims?
c.    Were they effective (did they result in targeted outcomes)?
d.    What were the institutions (created) to implement these policies?

34.    Agricultural policy after the war and how it changed
a.    What were the national agricultural policies put in place after the War? (hint focus on pre- and post 1970s policies)?
b.    What were their aims?
c.    Were they effective (did they result in targeted outcomes)?
d.    What were the institutions (created) to implement these policies?

35.    The emergence of food safety policy
a.    When did national “food safety policy” develop?
b.    What are the major pieces of legislation that define US food safety policy?
c.    How did they change over time?

36.    The role of state governments in agriculture, food distribution and safety
a.    When did state governments develop agricultural and food policies and institutions?
b.    What roles do the state governments play in agricultural production, distribution and food consumption?
c.    How are cities (the creations of states) treated (or ignored) by state agricultural and food policies?

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