Section 2: From the revolution to birth of the New Metropolis, 1790 – 1860

Chapter 5: Food production and in and around New York City and how it changed during the early years

7.    Grains, vegetables and fruits (types of grains, vegetables and fruits, location of production and technologies to produce them) and how they changed during this period
a.    Where were these items grown in and around New York City and how did this change?
b.    What types of products were commonly provided?
c.    What were the technologies used in the production of these foods and how did they change?

8.    Meats (types of meats, location of production and technologies to produce them) and how they changed during this period
a.    Where were these items grown in and around New York City and how did this change?
b.    What types of products were commonly provided?
c.    What were the technologies used in the production of these foods and how did they change?

9.    Fish seafood (types of seafood and technologies to hunt and gather them) and how they changed during this period
a.    Where were these items hunted in and around New York City and how did they change?
b.    What types of fish were commonly provided?
c.    What were the technologies used in the production of these foods and how did they change?

10.    Shellfish seafood (types of shellfish and technologies to hunt and gather them) and how they changed during this period
a.    Where were these items caught in and around New York City?
b.    Did the location of oyster bed hunting/production change during this period and if so, how?
c.    What were the technologies used in the production of these foods and how did they change?

11.    Beverages (production and types of beverages and how they changed during this period)
a.    What were the common drinks of this period and how did they change?
b.    Where and how were these products made?
c.    What were the technologies used in the production of these foods and how did they change?

12.    Food imports and exports (the types and amounts of food that were imported and exported during this period)
a.    What foods were imported and exported from the city/country during this period?
b.    What were the volumes of trade and how did they change?
c.    How were these activities related to port growth in New York?

Chapter 6: Urban food markets in New York City and how they changed during the early years

13.    Breads, grains, etc (processing and production of breads and grains, location of markets and how this changed during the early years)
a.    Where were the early markets for these products and how did their location change
b.    What were these markets like?
c.    How did the food get to the market?
d.    What technologies were involved in processing food for marketing?

14.    Meats (processing and delivery of meats, market locations and how this changed during this period)
a.    Where were the early markets for these products and how did their location change
b.    What were these markets like?
c.    How did the food get to the market?
d.    What technologies were involved in processing food for marketing?

15.    Seafood and shellfish (processing and delivery of seafood, market location and how they changed during this period)
a.    Where were the early markets for these products and how did their location change
b.    What were these markets like?
c.    How did the food get to the market?
d.    What technologies were involved in processing food for marketing?

16.    Vegetables and fruits (processing and delivery of vegetables and fruits, markets and how they changed during this period)
a.    Where were the early markets for these products and how did their location change
b.    What were these markets like?
c.    How did the food get to the market?
d.    What technologies were involved in processing food for marketing?

17.    Beverages (processing and sale of beverages and how it changed during this period)
a.    Where were the early markets for these products and how did their location change
b.    What were these markets like?
c.    How did the food get to the market?
d.    What technologies were involved in processing food for marketing?

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Chapter 4: Food production, markets and changes during the colonial era

3.    Introduced food technologies and how they developed during this period
a.    What technologies to agriculture did the colonists bring?
b.    How did these technologies change within the environment of the Americas?

4.    New types of food produced in the New World and how they changed during this period
a.    What types of food were produced by early colonists and how did this change over time
b.    Where were early agricultural fields located?
c.    Where they commonly tended or by individuals?
d.    How did the agricultural system change during this period?

5.    Location of markets and how they changed during this period
a.    Where were markets located in the early New York City?
b.    How did food get to these markets?
c.    What were the measures used for selling/sharing food?

6.    Types of markets and their development during the early period
a.    What were the types of food markets in the city and how did they change over time?  b.    How important to urban form were these structures/sites?

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Chapter 3: Food production and diversity among the Native New Yorkers

1.    Food production location and production technology used by Native New Yorkers
a.    Where were food grown by Native New Yorkers?
b.    Where foods commonly grown and if so, how were they distributed
c.    What types of technology was used to produce, distribute and preserve these foods?

2.    Diversity of foods consumed by Native New Yorkers
a.    What foods did New Yorkers eat?
b.    Where did they procure these different foods (hunting and gathering grounds)?

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Section 1: Pre-colonial to the Revolution, 1500 – 1790

Chapter 3: Food production and diversity among the Native New Yorkers

1.    Food production location and production technology used by Native New Yorkers
a.    Where were food grown by Native New Yorkers?
b.    Where foods commonly grown and if so, how were they distributed
c.     What types of technology was used to produce, distribute and preserve these foods?

2.    Diversity of foods consumed by Native New Yorkers
a.     What foods did New Yorkers eat?
b.     Where did they procure these different foods (hunting and gathering grounds)?

Chapter 4: Food production, markets and changes during the colonial era

3.    Introduced food technologies and how they developed during this period
a.    What technologies to agriculture did the colonists bring?
b.    How did these technologies change within the environment of the Americas?

4.    New types of food produced in the New World and how they changed during this period
a.    What types of food were produced by early colonists and how did this change over time
b.    Where were early agricultural fields located?
c.     Where they commonly tended or by individuals?
d.    How did the agricultural system change during this period?

5.    Location of markets and how they changed during this period
a.    Where were markets located in the early New York City?
b.    How did food get to these markets?
c.     What were the measures used for selling/sharing food?

6.    Types of markets and their development during the early period
a.    What were the types of food markets in the city and how did they change over time?
b.    How important to urban form were these structures/sites?

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Chapter 2: Research design

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Chapter 1: Introduction

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