“Biodiversity Conservation and the Extinction of Experience” Response

Biodiversity loss is something that conservation scientists stress about. However, the public doesn’t pay much attention to it because a lot isn’t told to the public. On the streets, sometimes one may see the people who get signatures in order to “help save the earth”. However, signatures don’t do anything and nor does petitioning. The only thing that can help is if people took the matter into their own hands, which most people do not. The most common excuse in these cases is the “I don’t have time” excuse. However, with the busy lives that people have working job(s), it’s very possible that people actually do not have time.

Scientists write about the loss of biodiversity in research papers but not many people read these papers. I feel that the best way to get people to care about the dying earth is to tell them about the possible future which may come to be if things continue the way that they are. Our technology is advanced enough for videos (which show the possible destruction) to be made. This way, the truth about the earth is going to be revealed and maybe people will connect with the conservation process a little more.

A few weeks back, there was a nationwide outrage when a dentist killed Cecil the Lion, who was an endangered species. Even though there’s nothing that can be done about a dead lion, this shows that the public cares and can make a difference when it comes to conserving biodiversity. The only problem is that no one is willing to take the first initiative.

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