Green Roofs

This article was very interesting. I liked the way it was written because it successfully pointed out both the pros and cons of green roof development. I thought the way the research was presented made for a more well-rounded paper. Personally, I had a very idealized view of green roofs before reading this paper. However, after reading the information and statistics about the green roof development, i understand that there are improvements to be made. Nonetheless, the idea of green roofs still intrigue me.

In thinking about green roofs, I never truly accounted for the costs it may have. To create green roofs in all of Chicago was estimated at $35.2 billion dollars. That is a large amount of money, but some of the benefits may be worth the while. One benefit he discussed was there would be less of a need to replace roofs as quickly as we do. They even had some green roofs last for 91 years. This was extremely interesting to me, as it was a benefit I never considered. One benefit he mentions that I think is worth considering in New York is the stormwater runoff. Our sewage system needs a lot of improvement and these green roofs can help by absorbing a lot of the water we get from storms. This can help with a more controlled water flow as well as a decrease in contaminants since the plants can absorb them.

One downfall that did cross my mind, was that no amount of green roofs will substantially replace the original forestry and vegetation that was in place of the building before. There is no way the trees can have a wide enough network and ecosystem that it would’ve created on the ground. I believe green roofs are a great attempt at introducing more vegetation to urban environments, but there will ultimately be a lack of biodiversity in the animals and plant species it would’ve housed on the ground.

All in all, I think the implantation of green roofs is a good idea, but can use some more research done in the area. If there are ways to make it more economically plausible, that would help a great deal.

P.S. I regret that it uploaded late. I didn’t realize it was having trouble uploading.

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