Moving From Just Awareness

After reading a series of pessimistic opinions and analysis through the first half of the semester, I actually enjoyed reading this piece due to it’s legitimate findings and arguments for optimism. Something I found noteworthy was that we had so many different chemical emissions and high levels of pollution prior to this sudden change. New York in the 20th century has been plagued with environmental issues emerging from a rapidly growing population, increased automobile usage, and the prominence of industry, especially before the 1980s. Even after the Clean Air and Clean Water act have been issued by the Federal Government decades ago, New York still had a long ways to improve in the 21st century.

With our heightened awareness and our growing ability to observe tangible environmental changes, we as a city and society can move in a positive direction. The graphs presented in the report, including the Sulfur Dioxide graph on page 8, demonstrate just how rapidly people can bring upon change in their habits and consumption. I traditionally believe that humans can alter their environment much more quickly than they can repair it. On the contrary, I can see that with our technological capabilities, heightened environmental awareness, public and private support, and viable alternatives, that we may be able to dramatically reverse our affects on the environment – or at minimum our air pollution.

Another interesting point to be drawn from the article is that most people cannot even see or recognize negative changes in their environment. Before reading this report, I was not even aware of these types of emissions into our atmosphere, let alone the other dozens that may harm us in addition to the common culprits – Carbon Dioxide and Methane. People can read about climate reports or changing patterns but since we don’t actually see progressive change and that it doesn’t affect our direct lifestyles, we do not feel the urgency to change our habits. This is why reports like this are imperative and show that there is room for change. Our scientists and municipalities have shown through this example that we all don’t necessarily have to see the negative changes, we just have to be willing and able to help participate in positive change as it is warranted.

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