Heating Up a New Solution

It seemed like the largest issue while reading Solar Thermal in New York City: Opportunities + Challenges was that people were unknowledgeable in solar thermal systems. I, for one, only thought that solar energy was mainly used for electricity. However, after reading this article, I am more willing to install SHW systems, if it were my choice. Not only would I be reducing usage of gas and fossil fuels, I would also be saving money over time, on average 16.75 years according to the article.

The Solar Thermal Pilot Program seems like a hopeful initiative to encourage people to use solar energy for heat. Apparently, this program offers “grants of 30% of the installation costs, up to $50,000 per solar thermal system.” This ideal financial assistance seems unrealistic because of the difficulties faced by receiving grants. However, my concerns were resolved after reading the solar thermal experiences at the four sites. The initial installation costs stall most people from using solar panels, but Site #4 received financial incentives for 100% of the cost, which means that it is not impossible to receive government grants.

Energy savings during the summer months proved to be larger than the annual energy savings for all the sites due to . Each site produced relatively near the expected production of therms, portraying that the building owner saved more money with the SHW system and reduced carbon dioxide emissions, specifically 57 years worth avoided at Site #1. Along with the SHW system, Site #3 installed a high-efficiency boiler system, which further reduced energy usage and increased the convertedĀ amount of thermal energy to hot water produced to 96%. Site 3# avoided 485 household-years’ of natural gas emissions, which is incredible. However, these statistics varied at each site.

However, despite all the economic and environmental benefits, there are still factors that need to be discussed before installing these solar thermal systems, such as the need for hot water and favorable site conditions and correct orientation of the solar panels.

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