Hudson Estuary Plan

As others have already mentioned, one of the key concepts this article stressed was the importance of teamwork and collaboration. It’s unreasonable to propose that any progress can be made within the Hudson Estuary community without everyone willing to invest themselves in this project. As we’ve read in previous articles, government can pass as much legislation as it wants, but that won’t make people care enough to abide by it. I thought how it was pretty cool that the article mentions the various institutions that the Estuary Program collaborated with because it really solidified the idea that no matter how great a single organization may be, if it has the aid of other organizations, it will be ten times more powerful, effective, and efficient.

While every aspect involved in the restoration initiative is important, I was particularly interested in the education, river access, recreation, and exploration section. I think it’s really admirable that the community has a yearly “Day in the Life of the Hudson River” event because it’s a great way to give people more perspective on the topic in a fun and interactive way.Participants catch fish in seine nets, track the river’s tides and currents, collect core samples from the river bottom and examine water chemistry. Giving students and adults in the area the opportunity to engage with the river hands on is a great way to make them realize that they have a connection, and therefore an obligation, to keep the estuary at a certain level of cleanliness. It’s understandable to think that if students were merely learning about the issues the estuary is facing from a powerpoint and a monotonous lecturer, they’d feel no motivation to take action and be engaged in the restoration effort. Making the effort into a day of play is a great way to bring the community together and unite them on a cause that needs attention.

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