Noisy Pollutants!

After reading this article, I was shocked to read that noise pollution affected both mental and physical health. There were so many diseases that can be attributed to loud noise, including hysteria, depression, and even cardiovascular issues. I am still a little doubtful on how scientists were able to pinpoint noise pollution as the cause for these impairments. However, noise is without a doubt a disturbance upon everyone.

While I was reading, I was also concentrating on what noise that was currently around me that I had been able to tune out. I heard the TV from the living room, the creaks of the floorboard above me, the wind rustling tree branches into my window, and cars faintly passing over slick roads. It was amazing how much noise humans have been able to tolerate and ignore. This past weekend, I went to a concert and I still remember that deafening hum that buzzed over my ear after it was over. If I am able to be affected by such loud music for such a short period of time, I am curious about the long-term affects of noise over my lifetime.

The section on sleep peaked my interest because I find that I need complete silence to fall asleep. Whenever I hear something right before I am about to fall asleep, I become instantly alert and unable to fall back asleep. The detriments to disturbed sleep is something I, and I am sure that everyone else has also, experienced.

It is a shame that people do not consider noise pollution a serious deterrent. It is probably because people do not associate or believe that there is a strong connection between certain health impairments and loudness. People will only seem to care when the issue affects them directly. Until then, only more research and advertisement can be made on noise pollution.

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