Playground & Storm Water Problem Response

seI loved the project this article was about. I thought it was ingenious, as it served dual purposes of contributing to resolving the overflow problem and provided a place for NYC kids to play. There was a place for them to play before, but as the child at the end remarked, it used to be an asphalt playground. Going more into the involvement of the children, I thought it was great how much they got involved. For example, the picture depicted the children actually creating the park and planting, which seemed like a great activity for them. I’m sure they had a blast doing this, and it was also great exposure to the outdoors. I hope that through this, they became more inclined to take advantage of the playground and of the great outdoors in general. Another aspect I enjoyed was the input they had into the process, with the elements they suggested going into the playground being actually incorporated into it. This only made sense, as they would be the primary ones to use it, but it was also great because since they had autonomy over what went into their park would make them even more inclined to use it.

As for how this park contributes to solving the problem of stormwater overflow, I definitely think this is a great system in comparison to the gray infrastructure that was mentioned just because of how versatile it is. I definitely approve of the $2.4 billion plan to create more of these parks, and I would be interested to see the impact in statistics and data the impact it will have. I would also be interested in actually seeing these parks, and maybe even getting involved with creating them. It definitely does seem like a fun activity, and it would very cool to get involved in creating something so great.

As my term paper and poster is on the subject of water pollution, this article was particularly interesting and relevant to me and I definitely will look more into the project presented in the article. Overall, I think these parks a great, fun idea that I would love to learn more about.

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