The influence of urban green environments on stress relief measures: A field experiment

I thought this article was very similar to one that we have read before. Nonetheless, they presented some new ideas that I thought were very interesting. The comparison between both the physiologic response and the psychologic response can be very important. Using the saliva to test cortisol levels was a new technique (to me) and is a good way to avoid bias. I am very skeptical of the assessments they use to test the psychological response. I have taken surveys that have choices similar to “i have several new ideas” and “I feel more creative, ” and it can be very confusing to categorize your thoughts accurately. It is even more difficult to process, when you didn’t know that was the goal (which I am sure participants didn’t know to avoid bias).

From all the studies we have seen on the relationship between mental health and greenery, there has always been a positive effect on emotion and feelings. Another effect that the study addressed was the relationship between greenery and memory. I didn’t expect there to be a different outcome based on what type of greenery the people were exposed to. Nonetheless, it was worthwhile information.

This study acknowledges a few new research points that I think would be interesting to pursue. One of the research points were to explore the differences of the psychological and physiological effects among genders. I am curious to know how and why there may be a difference to our experiences with nature. A second study that I would be interested in is a comparison between the effect of man-made greenery/ “nature” (like parks) and natural greenery (like forests) on humans. I think it is important to know what degree of our nature can be contrived for it to have the greatest effect on our mental well being. Finding more information on this topic can help planners and pedestrians alike choose the places that would put them the most at peace. For example, if it is found that women are more at peace and creative in man made green environments, then there can be more parks, etc. by an all girls school.

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