The site observation assignment asks you to integrate material from at least one of three assigned readings. When you quote from your chosen work(s) in the essay, include MLA-style in-text citations where appropriate, and include a Works Cited listing at the end of your blog post. We’re cheating a bit because two of the pieces were magazine articles originally in print, but they were provided to the class as PDFs. For this assignment, if you make use of the Goldberger or Gopnik articles, your in-text citation is fine just listing the author’s name without specific page number. However, if you are quoting from Kohlhaas, please include page number(s). An example:

Interest in developing the High Line site increased after September 11, 2001, as people turned to the project as something positive which could be done in the wake of the attacks (Goldberger).

Here is the correct Works Cited format for each work:

Goldberger, Paul. “Miracle Above Manhattan.” National Geographic April 2011: 122-137. Print.
Gopnik, Adam. “A Walk on the High Line.” The New Yorker May 21, 2001: 44-49. Print.
Koolhaas, Rem. Delirious New York. New York: Monacelli Press, 1994. Print.


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