Each student is required to make at least three different review/response blogposts during the term. Each post will review or respond to a performance or event attended for class. Posts may also discuss how a specific course reading is relevant to one of these events (for instance, how Delirious New York is relevant to the Spellbeamed, or how the Beethoven biography is relevant to Missa Solemnis), but this is not a requirement.

The posts will be 250-500 words each. Make sure you categorize your post under “Reviews” so that it shows up in the proper place, and tag your post with the name of the event or performance.

In addition, you are responsible for writing a minimum of three different responses to the reviews posted by others. You may use the “comments” function at the bottom of each post to create your response. Each of these responses should be at least one-paragraph long, and should discuss an issue or issues raised in the other student’s review. You should respond to at least three different students during the course of the entire term.

Everyone is encouraged to post more of his or her own responses and replies to others, but these are the minimum requirements for the term.

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