Currently viewing the category: "How To’s"

Snapshot Day is coming up! You’ll receive an email with detailed instructions, but here are the hightlights:

Oct 11: shoot a photo of NYC

Before November 1st, upload your photo (just one!) to the Macaulay Snapshot gallery.

Step-by-step instructions will be included in the email. Please make sure to pay attention to item “I” in the instructions: Make sure to add a title and description!

You can also rate each other’s photos and leave comments, so please do!


For this course, you will be creating your own Eportfolio where you will post your assignments. These assignments will be syndicated locally on this very site using the FeedWordPress plugin. To set up your eportfolio and post your assignments on this site, please follow the instructions below:

  1. If you haven’t already, set up an eportfolio through the sign-up page. You’ve been given the code word already, but if you don’t remember what it is, email me.
  2. Email your friendly ITF, Jenny, the URL of your Eportfolio (i.e. and your full name.
  3. Set up four categories for course assignments and contributions:
    • Reviews—for your reviews/responses to performances or events attended for class.
    • A Story of a Life–for your short stories.
    • Photo Essay—for your photo-essayistic meditation on “Walking in the City.”
    • Caribbean Art Objects—for your discussion of the Caribbean: Crossroads of the World exhibits.

    IMPORTANT: Be sure to spell and capitalize the categories as shown above. Incorrectly labeled categories will NOT be imported.

  4. When you write a post for the course, label it with the correct category and TAG your posts to make them searchable with keywords.
  5. Email or visit (see office hours at right) your ITF, Jenny, if you run into any problems along the way!

Happy blogging (see “How to Use WordPress” for more help)!

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