Even before the curtain lifts, Political Mother has begun.  The dim, smoky lighting and cacophonous murmuring of the audience, along with the impassive face of the red curtain shielding the stage, create an initial tone of tension, wildness, and mystery. As the theatre goes dark, the audience is hushed, forcing silence and darkness to take […]


One Response to Political Mother: BAM, boom, ba-da-dum

  1. Zahava Hirsch says:

    I really enjoyed how you analyzed the manipulation of light in the performance. I simply viewed the spastic lighting as an addition to the chaotic atmosphere without thinking any more deeply into it. I like the way you describes it as a contrast that causes harmony; it gives me something to think about.
    I don’t know if I agree that there can be no specific meaning placed on Political Mother, however. The way I understand it form the title to the specific dance form and music, the composer was aiming for a specific interpretation. But I do agree that it isn’t important whether or not the viewer took away that message. Political Mother was so amazing in part because even without thinking into the meaning of the performance, one would have absolutely no problem appreciating the genius and chaotic beauty behind the choreography, music and lighting. Each of these aspects expressed a tremendous amount of talent and each complemented the other, culminating in an unforgettable show.

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