The end result will be a short film created by you and members of your assigned group, which responds to or incorporates one or more of the works or art or performance or readings we will encounter this term, due for presentation on Thursday, December 6.

Early in the term, members of the class will be placed in one of four groups. During the early weeks of the semester, think of ways that performances, works, and readings for class might be adapted into a story that incorporates or responds to them. In October, each group will share its scenarios, and select one or more of them for a short film (10-15 minutes) that it will make and present to class. (Each member of the group will participate in the film’s creation, but people outside the group can be brought in to assist with the production – for instance, if people are needed to act out parts). Each group’s choice will need to be approved by me, but almost anything goes. The different films will be presented to class on Thursday December 6, and each group will be asked to submit an ongoing journal that summarizes the development of the project and its production. (More information about the journal will be given later in the term.)

All films will be embedded here for viewing.

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