Angelica Goldberg, Boris Avrumov, and Josiah James are three Macaulay Honors students attending Brooklyn College. Their Macaulay seminar class theme this year was to understand the true meaning behind “The Peopling of New York City,” specifically, Bensonhurst.

Boris and Angelica have seen the difficulty of immigration; they have heard the stories from their parents of the struggle to immigrate from the Soviet Union to New York City. Their parents stories have become an everlasting reminder of how Brooklyn, and specifically Bensonhurst, has become a home for the immigrant generations.

Compared to the others, Josiah is a Long Island local who did not experience such immigrant influx, and reflux through the years. Coming from a majority Italian community, it was truly a surprise to discover, comprehend, and face the true diversity and various groups seen in Bensonhurst.

Whether it be the current influx of Chinese immigration, or the past reign of Soviet immigrants, Bensonhurst has evidently through the years been a home to many, a stop for some, and an area truly worthy of the Brooklyn title.

The following posts are excerpts from a complete essay about Former Soviet Union Immigration to Bensonhurst 1965-Present. The full essay is linked below.

Soviet Union Immigration to Bensonhurst 1965-Present

Contact Us:
Angelica Goldberg
Boris Avrumov
Josiah James