All posts by emuehlbauer

Marsh Restoration & Management Response

By class time on Tuesday, Nov. 26, post a 3 -4 paragraph response to the following sentiment:
Phragmites, it’s green most of the time, and it ain’t condos” (Bill Sheehan, Hackensack Riverkeeper, NY Times, 2005).
Consider the idea of whether it’s okay or even preferable to let recolonization of non-native plants remain rather than attempt a restoration of marsh with native plants.

What happened to the salt marshes?

Post a  3-4 paragraph response, reflecting on the historic destruction of salt marshes  from the time of the colonists onward.

Consider whether this was an issue of “innocent destruction” – at a time when science had not yet caught up with technology, or whether it represents a more basic problem with values, leading to thoughtless actions, and lack of concern for environmental consequences.

This essay should post by class time on Tuesday, Oct. 29!