Common name: Lemon cuckoo bumblebee
Genus: Bombus Citrinus
This bee was pollinating on Black Eyed Susans. It stayed on each individual flower for about 30 seconds in the center of the flower. It moved from flower to flower and collected pollen using its hind legs.

Common Name: Leaf-cutting and Resin Bees
Genus: Megachile
We spotted this big and fuzzy bee on the pink flowers depicted in the photo. It was very hard to capture this bee in a still picture sine it was moving every 3 seconds to the next flower. Since it was a bit windy, this bee held on tight to the side of the flower and collected pollen from the bottom of the plant.

Common name: Pugnata
Genus: Megachile
We spotted this bee on the Black Eyed Susan. At first we thought this bee was dead but after watching it for a whole minute we saw the bee suddenly moving and flying to a different flower. This bee stayed on top of each flower for about a minute and collected pollen using his/her front legs.

Common Name: Cuckoo Bee
Genus: Triepeolus
This big black bee with yellow highlights was spotted on the whitish brown flower depicted above. This bee hardly stood in one place and was very quick and active. He/she hung upside down on the flower while pollinating.

Common Name: Large Carpenter Bee
Genus: Xylocopa
This big dark colored bee was spotted on a long, tube-like lavender flower but stayed on each individual flower for a minute or so. It pollinated by sticking its head in the flower. It was astonishing to watch.