N@tM 2023 Gallery


Relief of Mourning women

Unknown from Saqqara

Circa 1319-1204 b.c.e.

The artwork is a rectangular carving depicting several women and their suffering. The women in the carving are throwing dust on their heads and throwing themselves around as it was a common way ancient women mourned.

What do you see going on in this work of art? Is there a story depicted?

The women are attending a funeral and grieving for the deceased. They are throwing themselves to the ground and throwing fist on their heads. Although this seems a little odd, this was a common practice in ancient times.

What different visual elements (ie: line, color, light, proportions, scale, composition, media type etc.) do you notice, and how do they help you make sense of the artwork?

The artwork is one solid color with the silhouettes of women. There is no actual paint, the viewer just sees carvings. Although the carving may be considered sloppy, it adds to the story of the women’s grief.

What choices do you think the museum made about the object’s display?

We think they made the wrong choice describing the artwork as sloppy. Art is subjective so giving it such a description seems disrespectful to the artist.

Group Members

Name (first and last) Campus Seminar 1 Professor
Evelin Perez CCNY Grazyna Dabrik
Amelia Rodriguez CCNY Grazyna Dabrik