N@tM 2023 Gallery


Winter Scene in Brooklyn

Francis Guy


An average winter day in Brooklyn circa 1820.

What do you see going on in this work of art? Is there a story depicted?

Every person regardless of class or race are living in peace in harmony together. There is no story being depicted but main idea is about equality and peace. There are multiple different kinds of people in the painting but they are all living in harmony.

What different visual elements (ie: line, color, light, proportions, scale, composition, media type etc.) do you notice, and how do they help you make sense of the artwork?

All the people are small in comparison to the rest of the painting, with most of the painting depicting the buildings and the sky. The colors are very mellow and not very eye catching with the main colors being brown white and black. These elements make nothing stand out about it, which depicts an average day in Brooklyn.

What choices do you think the museum made about the object’s display?

It made the choice to make the painting the widest and largest in the room, but made it stand out as one of the most colorless and least vibrant paintings in the display. In fact, when me and Justin were observing all the paintings, this painting caught our eye first and stood out to us.

Group Members

Name (first and last) Campus Seminar 1 Professor
Justin Mohabir The City College of New York Brandon Judell
Evan Randeniarachchi CCNY Brandon Judell