N@tM 2023 Gallery


Stela with sculptors name


1836-1779 BCE

This a stone with dimensions of about 6in by 12 in. It is embedded with hieroglyphic about 2 layers separated by two drawings. The top drawing consists of two figures sitting on their knees in front of eachother, they a table of food. The man on the left is drinking wine the one on the right has their hand on their heart. The bottom drawing consists of two women doing the exact same as the men on the top. The bottom heirlogriphic is the signature of the artist.

What do you see going on in this work of art? Is there a story depicted?

We as a group think this artist is showing that there is no difference between the action by men and women. They both in society can serve the same purpose and they do not need to be demised by their gender.

What different visual elements (ie: line, color, light, proportions, scale, composition, media type etc.) do you notice, and how do they help you make sense of the artwork?

The engravings and the border on the top allow for us to think this art was one time more larger as their is only one border and usually important stones were bordered and portrayed in courts.

What choices do you think the museum made about the object’s display?

We think they put it close to a corner which doesn’t allow it to have the recognition it needs as it is the only one that allowed it to be signed. This museum should put it closer to the middle then it is right now.

Group Members

Name (first and last) Campus Seminar 1 Professor
Vlada kuzina, Gartland Gambino, Felix Vodopyanov, Elliot Radov, Teresa Ugolotti, Richard Zborovski, Dominik Hric, Angelina Colamarino, Daniella Marcus, Domenico Sansalone, Dylan Murphy, Max Caputo, Jessica Simoni College of Staten island Lisa French