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West side story

The stage scenery of the West Side Story theatrical performance as compared to the scenery of the 1960 movie was incomparable. However, the sparseness and rawness of the scenery promoted the angst between the two gangs. The feral and destructive rage was evidenced as the curtain opened, and blue lights lingered over the hollow facade of the deteriorating building. I thought the color blue an odd choice, as it does not intimidate, but rather tranquilizes, and upon research found that some shades of blue, such as “..electric or brilliant blue is dynamic and dramatic, expressing exhilaration.” (www.squidoo.com/colorexpert), and thought that this choice of color was, after all, fitting. It also foreshadowed the many twists and dynamic changes in plot, adding to the suspense and/or exhilaration. I also found the other memorable piece of stage scenery to be the chain link face, which I at first didn’t like that it faced the audience and separated us from the play, but after reading Iona’s post, look back and feel that this was an excellent and powerful use of stage scenery.

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