Just Kids Instructions

  1. Log in to the site and create a new post that has your subject as the title.
  2. Provide us with some key details about your subject that help explain its cultural and historical significance.  Why was it important?  What was it in response to?  What changed after? (Apologies for the vagueness of these questions, it’s hard to word general questions about people, events, and art!)
  3. If possible, provide some audio or visual component.  This can be a picture, a song, or a youtube video.
  4. Important: Categorize your post as “Just Kids” or it won’t show up.
  5. As always, come see me or email me if you have any questions!


Add comment September 24th, 2013

Art is Reflection


At first these images appear as obviously opposed, yet each reflects the other. The industrial windows are not purely functional—their rainbowed panes reflect a natural inspiration. Likewise, the snapdragons are not purely natural—but for the human minds that first erected the freight rail and those who sought to reclaim it for public use, this plant would not exist.

Add comment September 16th, 2013

Art Is…


Click here to view the (very important) instructions for this project!

September 11th, 2013