
The Economy of Morningside Heights is largely operated by Columbia University. Since the university’s renovation, it’s been doing more than just expanding classes and campuses. The university owns many of the buildings surrounding the university, and have taken over many of the smaller owned businesses in the general neighborhood. Much like a hurricane, gentrification can be tracked down the to epicenter of the campus. The closer to the university, the more “gentrified” things appear to be. The landscapes are better, the diners and delis are higher end, the bars are pricey, and the shops are downright trendy. Cafes, bistros and bookstores line the neatly groomed sidewalks and shrubbery is upkeep to a pruned hedge. The farther out you go, however, the less “gentrified.” Old parts of the neighborhood remain, historical landmarks, stores, and restaurants surviving from an older generation. There’s also a noticeable change in the quality of services. Restaurants turn into family owned pizzerias, cramped, lower end stores, and food more geared to take-out rather than table service.

This is no doubt, an area rooted in commercialism, in part, due to the university’s influence. Another major contribution is housing. The area is geared towards the middle class and those who can afford the prices of the university. If the forty thousand a year of tuition wasn’t enough, the housing is beginning to see a considerable increase in price along with quality. Gone are the day of close together, modest one family houses. Here is the land of high rise apartments and and enough acres to overlook your own chunk of the skyline. With these new houses both being built and being bought, the neighborhoods economy is changing. For some people, this means moving in and a positive change for the neighborhoods economic growth. For other people however, this will mean the price of living, for going out and buying food and going shopping will be too high, and they will be forced out of house and looking for another before the next corner shop can be turned into a high end bistro with a price tag longer than the description of an appetizer.