Chelsea is a part of Manhattan Community District 4 (which is made up of Chelsea and Clinton).
This district is 1.8 square miles and has a total population of 103,245 people. Source
Just Chelsea…
Area: 0.774 square miles
Population: 38,242
Population density:
Chelsea: 49,411 people per square mile
New York: 27,183 people per square mile
Races in Chelsea:
Majority: White, followed by Hispanic, then Blacks, Asians, and Other
Median household income in 2011:
Chelsea: $98,943
New York: $49,461
Median rent in 2011:
Chelsea: $1,494
New York: $1,063
Zip codes: 10001 and 10011
Males: 19,850
Females: 18,400
Median age:
Chelsea: 39.8 years
New York: 34.2 years
Chelsea: 37.8 years
New York: 37.0 years
Average household size:
Chelsea: 1.7 people
New York: 2.7 people
Percentage of family households:
Chelsea: 21.4%
New York: 46.4%
Percentage of married-couple families (among all households):
Chelsea: 18.5%
New York: 35.6%
Percentage of married-couple families with children (among all households):
Chelsea: 33.9%
New York: 22.7%
Percentage of single-mother households (among all households):
Chelsea: 31.9%
New York: 11.7%
Percentage of never married males 15 years old and over:
Chelsea: 35.0%
New York: 21.8%
Percentage of never married females 15 years old and over:
Chelsea: 26.9%
New York: 22.2%
Percentage of people that speak English not well or not at all:
Chelsea: 5.5%
New York: 13.0%
Percentage of people born in this state:
Chelsea: 41.6%
New York: 48.4%
Percentage of people born in another U.S. state:
Chelsea: 34.1%
New York: 10.6%
Percentage of foreign born residents:
Chelsea: 21.1%
New York: 37.2%
Average number of cars or other vehicles available in houses/condos:
Chelsea: 0.3
New York: 1.1
Average number of cars or other vehicles available in apartments:
Chelsea: 0.1
New York: 0.4
Percentage of units with a mortgage:
Chelsea: 59.4%
New York: 63.0%
Housing prices:
Average estimated value of townhouses or other attached units in 2010 (2.9% of all units):
Chelsea: $1,247,281
New York: $528,288
Average estimated ’10 value of housing units in 5-or-more-unit structures (59.5% of all units):
Chelsea: $810,306
New York: $780,652
Education in this neighborhood (subdivision or community):
Percentage of people 3 years and older in K-12 schools:
Chelsea: 17.3%
New York: 16.1%
Percentage of people 3 years and older in undergraduate colleges:
Chelsea: 7.9%
New York: 6.5%
Percentage of people 3 years and older in grad. or professional schools:
Chelsea: 4.5%
New York: 2.0%
Percentage of students K-12 enrolled in private schools:
Chelsea: 82.0%
New York: 18.0%
Percentage of population below poverty level:
Chelsea: 14.6%
New York: 20.9%
Most commonly used house heating fuel:
Utility gas (32%) Fuel oil, kerosene, etc. (28%) Electricity (25%) No fuel used (4%) Other fuel (3%) Bottled, tank, or LP gas (3%) Solar energy (2%) Coal or coke (2%)
…mostly white, rich, and single…large gay community too.