My roomie has a macbook pro!

Her name is Kelly and she’s from Canada. We’re planning on making our room really homey, and we’re calling it Shananigan House because we’re both ridiculously unable to get into normal, problem-free situations.

Anyway, I had a great night last night. Slept at 9 to get over my cold, woke up at 3 in the morning and finished reading Jane Eyre. Spent aaalllllllllll day getting to know Logroño and trying to find little shops that are not closed on Sundays.

We’ve both been skyping and stuff, but with the door open, so we met some lovely new people with our limited Spanish skills. I have no idea if they actually liked us, but they gathered around our door before going out, started smoking in the hallway, and made some jokes. I almost understood what was happening.

I am uploading pics to facebook and will add them to my ¡España! tab ASAP

Alas, for tonight, I am done. We’re getting up at 7:30 and it’s midnight now.

Much love,


About Julia

I'm studying abroad in Spain, but am supposed to be a Macaulay at City sophomore in the International Studies program. I love my life!
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