“This is so good and so healthy”

RAINBOW store. Lotsa vegan stuff. Estoy feliz.

Guess who just said ^that^ about the cherry soy yoghurt she bought at the healthfood store she finally found in Logroño! ME. That’s right. Tofu, fake meat, almond milk, little chocolate snacks, soy yoghurt. THEY’VE GOT IT ALL. Had a huge grin on my face yesterday when I left this place. Like, girl-who’s-in-love face. But for tofu :B

I also spent a lot of time just chilling and sleeping and stuff today ^^ Didn’t study with one of my friends cuz I was too tired but I’ll see if she has some time tomorrow. Basically nobody exists here on the weekends. They go home just like at the Towers (my City College dorm from last year).

I tried to meet one of my language exchange partners at the Espolón at one of the many parks we have here, but I was like a half hour late and she left just before I got there. 😛 We’ll get together soon and practice her English. She’s super nice.

I also heard about the Spanish facebook: it’s called Tuenti and it is by invitation only :O Gonna ask the guy next to me to ask me to join because I wanna social network my way through this campus the Spanish way, too 😀

I’ll blog again tonight, because I have a lot to say, but for now, hasta luego!



About Julia

I'm studying abroad in Spain, but am supposed to be a Macaulay at City sophomore in the International Studies program. I love my life!
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