Woah I just spent over a week NOT WRITING ANYTHING in my blog!! :O I don’t have a lot of pictures or anything because I haven’t actually gone anywhere. I’ve been here, studying, speaking, having fun. I totally had time to blog but I guess I hit the I’m-so-used-to-it moment where I can’t think of things to write about… which is totally dumb because so many things happen here every day.
For example, today I woke up around 3pm because it is not a respectable Saturday night unless you stay out until 6. I had fun last night, but I also have a lot of homework to finish up now. It’s great, though, because I work best at night, and my super-late sleeping sort of made it possible for me to stay up tonight.
I took a walk in the dark park with a few of my friends a couple hours ago. Then we just chilled and I made some rice. Two of us took turns calling our parents via skype on my computer haha
Now I just need to write a few things in Spanish and prepare a presentation. Also, I got an email from a professor who wants someone to teach her kids English. She sent the email to my friend, too, though, and I bet she called her while I was out doing stupid things and she was home being a good girl who calls teachers on the weekend.
Ah, well. My reggaeton music and I have a presentation to work on, an excuse/apology email to write to an imaginary person, and a little paragraph to write about a tradition in the U.S.
I’d like to visit my friends downstairs, but I think finishing this stuff up is probably smarter ^.^ studystudystudy!!!
Love muchly,