Hǎojiǔ bùjiàn (I think… also, thank you Nano!)

This feeling.

This feeling.

Dear all,

Not that I know more than what I learned in my one Mandarin class like two semesters ago…. but I thought saying Long Time No See in English would be kind of silly seeing as it quite possibly comes from the Chinese. Or from a Native American pidgin. Or something. Whatever.. you look it up. The evidence is inconclusive.

😀 So I haven’t been blogging at all for a few months, but let’s try to catch up.

1. Noah stayed in NYC, moved in with me, celebrated our first anniversary with me a month ago, almost decided to move to Philadelphia after I graduate (I would have gone with him), and then decided not to go (woo! No place like NY, NY)

2. I’m about to graduate, which means I need to find a job and stuff. Ew… adulthood…. (equal parts excited and terrified)

3. This blog is dedicated to my friend Nano because he reminded me today that I should be blogging. I LOVE YOU NANO.

Me and Noah for most of the year. Indoors and only with each other. Netflix isn't in the cartoon but you can imagine it.

Me and Noah for most of the year. Indoors and only with each other. Netflix isn’t in the cartoon but you can imagine it. And no actual daylight because we live in a basement.

Now that you’re all caught up, let’s discuss some things. Socializing is important. One thing that apparently happens when you fall in love is that YOU IGNORE EVERYTHING ELSE. For, say, months… or, say, a year. Gosh. seriously. I thought I was done with being absent from school when I came back from study abroad in Spain. Nope. I haven’t seen a lot of my college friends/acquaintances at all recently. For those of you who don’t know, here’s the scoop: If you don’t decide to be the one to plan the get-together, it. will. never. happen.

This is why I set up a weekly date with my friend Nano, and am beginning to text people about socializing with one another again after quite a long time without such luxury. Reasons?

1. I am out of the “my boyfriend is the only person that exists” phase. Still very much in love but a little less obsessed with the newness of being in love for the first time.

2. I’m not moving after graduation, so I can afford to spend time with people that I might have missed a lot if we’d spent more time together before I left.

3. It’s the last semester of senior year and I am only a part-time student, so I HAVE TIME TO SOCIALIZE.

Kind of. I’m still working on my thesis. And my Springboard website for my thesis. I’ll link to it when it is even remotely okay.

I don’t even remember what my last blog was. I’m gonna go check it out.

So much love!

Here's some governator for you. And no, that's not how you pronounce Bach.

Here’s some governator for you. And no, that’s not how you pronounce Bach.


About Julia

I'm studying abroad in Spain, but am supposed to be a Macaulay at City sophomore in the International Studies program. I love my life!
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