Nightlife.. or the lack thereof

So last night we tried to have something of a get-together at my habitación because there’s no school today, but it failed a little. Then we moved downstairs to hang out with some people outside and in the park next to the DORM. I met some cool girls who live on my floor, but I forget the exact room number… I’ll run into them again and, despite my horrific inability to recall names, I know theirs!! I also remember how to say I love you in Chinese! First step to fluency hahaha

It was this kid Nestor’s birthday two days ago so we were celebrating with him and his friends. He was pretty entertaining and he had shimmery sunglasses and a sparkly pink tie that his friends got him.

After like two hours of chilling we all went to the discoteca that the college kids frequent. Instead of taking a taxi like normal people, we walked all the way. It was kinda cold and I was offered a few jackets but I just ended up borrowing my friend’s wrap shawl thingy.

Us foreigners mostly stuck together but it was still a blast. I danced a lot (in my new dress, which was 30 euros at H&M, and I will def not be buying another one) and had fun. Kinda burned a little when some guy said no to the question “¿Quieres bailar?” but hey, it’s not like I’m in love with him or anything.

I left the discoteca with one of my friends, who is an angel because my sense of direction is crap and she new the way back perfectly. We spoke in our mutually okayish Spanish because it’s the only language we have in common.

My roomie is kinda MIA atm… I’m a little worried but I’m sure she found her way back to the DORM. idk. Right now I’m loading the third episode of hawaii five-0, which is taking forever, but at least I can watch US tv here. I want to catch up on every tv show I’ve missed but the internet is slow as death here. But hey, the place I was looking at in Sevilla didn’t even have wifi at the dorms sooo…. mejor, no?

Also I’m emailing people about intercambio dates (haha) because I want to help them practice their English and I need super help with my Spanish pppppppronto. I’m also sorta pen pals with one of my friends from home right now (Giuli shout out!) because she kicked herself off facebook. <3 Some people are worth emailing (especially because they actually answer.. and, like, fast)

wǒ ài nǐ,       (guess what that means!!)


About Julia

I'm studying abroad in Spain, but am supposed to be a Macaulay at City sophomore in the International Studies program. I love my life!
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